libipq links for working with iptables in linux

TCP syn attack

Summary of the netfilter developer workshop 2004

Harald Welte

Linux netfilter Hacking HOWTO

Linux 2.4 NAT HOWTO

Netfilter Extensions HOWTO

Rusty’s Unreliable Guide To Kernel Hacking

IP Tables Tutorial

IP Table Source Code

NetFilter Wiki

Rusty’s Remarkably Unreliable Guides

Unreliable Guide To Hacking The Linux Kernel

Unreliable Guide To Locking

IPTable extension writing tutorial

netfilter module example

vnc server configuration

I’m using tightvnc from my client machine (windows xp) to connect to the ubuntu server. However, the tighvnc client didn’t display the screen beyond 640×480. So the screen was smaller in the client machine.

Solution: Edited the vnc.conf file in /etc directory to specify $geometry = “1024×960”;… now the screen in the tightvnc client is big enough to see most of the window elements in the server. Now I have to figure out how to start vncserver automatically.

Chapter 2: Preparing a New Partition.

Since I used a linux machine with all the drives used up, I didn’t want to create a new partition. I followed the hint mentioned in this document.

1. Created a directory /home/lfs for using as the mount directory.
2. Created a mount point directory /mnt/lfs
3. Add the following two lines to .profile file in the root directory.
mount –bind /home/lfs /mnt/lfs

Chapter 3: Packages and Patches

1.Create a working directory for the downloaded packages and patches with the following command:
#mkdir -v $LFS/sources
2. Make this directory writable and sticky.
#chmod -v a+wt $LFS/sources