vnc server configuration

I’m using tightvnc from my client machine (windows xp) to connect to the ubuntu server. However, the tighvnc client didn’t display the screen beyond 640×480. So the screen was smaller in the client machine.

Solution: Edited the vnc.conf file in /etc directory to specify $geometry = “1024×960”;… now the screen in the tightvnc client is big enough to see most of the window elements in the server. Now I have to figure out how to start vncserver automatically.

Chapter 2: Preparing a New Partition.

Since I used a linux machine with all the drives used up, I didn’t want to create a new partition. I followed the hint mentioned in this document.

1. Created a directory /home/lfs for using as the mount directory.
2. Created a mount point directory /mnt/lfs
3. Add the following two lines to .profile file in the root directory.
mount –bind /home/lfs /mnt/lfs

Chapter 3: Packages and Patches

1.Create a working directory for the downloaded packages and patches with the following command:
#mkdir -v $LFS/sources
2. Make this directory writable and sticky.
#chmod -v a+wt $LFS/sources